Entrance |
Prequel Tatooine |
Coruscant |
Geonosis |
Mustafar |
Death Star |
Classic Tatooine |
Endor |
A Disturbance in the Force |
Blue Screen |
Toy Shop & Expo Exclusive
Classic Tatooine
An interesting lot of concept art sculptures at display here...I took especially as many pictures as I could get of the "Hole-in-the-head" character, as he was a design for a Guard in the Palace that eventually didn't get used. Customisers should love the details in the pictures...

While passing through a dark corridor I noticed that the shutters before the windows resembled the ones from Jabba�s Sail Barge a lot; there was even one that had some arrows in it pointing down. I peeked down to stare into a beak filled with pointy teeth. Damn! They had even excavated the Sarlacc to display it in the Expo!
Last planet in the row was the planet moon of Endor. Of course that came with all the cuddly little Ewok stuff you can imagine.

The Star Destroyer bridge that stood about a meter and a half tall was the most impressive piece here, in my humble opinion.
A Disturbance in the Force
Despite the nice setup they made a few little errors throughout the exhibition; I have no idea if it was the purpose that the real fans would find them and complain about them, but of course I passed on that honour. I have put them apart here as well...

As you can see, some Kamino artefacts slipped into the Naboo room; they confused some Utapau decors with the Geonosis ones and if you look closely you�ll see in the Classic Tatooine room that Elom and Yakface swapped tags...
A lot of Star Wars fans on JTA here seem to be architects, so I thought to do them a little favour making a couple of pictures of the blueprints that were on display as well...
Blue Screen
There was a lot to be seen, but hardly anything interactive. So it speaks for itself that the one thing that was interactive got a lot of attention, especially from the mass of kids running around. We included some pictures where my wife and I fought for our own "screen time" for your viewing pleasure...
Toy Shop and Expo Exclusive
Of course, a Star Wars exhibition wouldn�t be complete with the obligatory and inevitable toy shop at the end.

It was quite the sight to have that much Star Wars goodies on sale. Unfortunately, there was nothing but the Yoda Bobblehead pen they could sell me. The Expo exclusive couldn�t charm me either. It was a little, picture-less booklet on the topic of "Faire de la science avec Star Wars", by Roland Lehoucq. From the looks of it, Star Wars and science don�t have that much in common after all.

Much more interesting, there was a life-size LEGO Darth Vader to admire. I have encountered quite a few of these in my life time now...and I start to wonder if it�s the same one every time.
Well, that wraps it up! You have seen the Expo as if you have been there yourself! Thank you for visiting and don't forget your Guide.
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