Entrance |
Prequel Tatooine |
Coruscant |
Geonosis |
Mustafar |
Death Star |
Classic Tatooine |
Endor |
A Disturbance in the Force |
Blue Screen |
Toy Shop & Expo Exclusive
The most interesting prop connected to this world on display was Zam�s speeder. Unfortunately, you were only allowed to look inside, not sit inside. And believe me, I tried...
If you thought that the world and inhabitants of Geonosis looked rather bleak in the movies, the pieces on display here will change your mind. It�s incredible how much detail went into the bug-like creatures. Newfound respect for the Geonosians!
Why they dedicated a room to this world is beyond me...it was all about (CGI) lava and I imagine it would be hard bringing some of that to an expo. Instead, you could find an Anakin suit staring at a piece of Mustafar machinery.
Death Star
My wife and I were drawn like magnets to the red costume of the Royal Guard. It�s only when you stand next to it that you realise the authority it radiates. The baton the Guard carries around looks a lot meaner and solider in real life than on screen, by the way.
Hoth (and Dagobah)
You may be wondering a bit what Yoda was doing in the Hoth room, but when you take a quick look around you quickly notice that the room should have been called "Hoth and Dagobah" room instead.

Extremely funny here was the Force skill test you could take: by moving your hand into the "Dagobah Swamp" (and interrupting an infra red ray) you could have the X-wing climb from the muddy water. I managed with one hand in my pocket.
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