(Twin Pod) Cloud Car Pilot - Kenner - Vintage The Empire Strikes Back (1982)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Star Wars Black & White: The Empire Strikes Back

Set Details

Release Date: January 23, 2019

Boxes Per Case: 12

Packs Box: 7

Cards Per Pack: 8

Set Size: 150 cards

Inserts: 80 cards

Hits: Autograph Cards (1:18 packs), Sketch Cards (1:17 packs), Die-Cut Sketch Cards (1:182 packs), Panorama Sketch Cards (1:907 packs)

Hobby Box

Autograph/Sketch: 1

Inserts: 7

Parallels: 7

Insert Sets

Behind the Scenes (40 cards) (1:2 packs)

Concept Art (10 cards) (1:4 packs)

Iconic Characers (20 cards) (1:12 packs)

Poster Cards (10 Cards) (1:6packs)


Base Set

1 The Wastelands of Hoth

2 Checking in with Han

3 Wampa Attack!

4 Back at Echo Base

5 Quarrel in the Hall

6 Commander Skywalker's Absence

7 Within the Wampa Lair

8 A Daring Escape

9 Princess Leia's Vigil

10 Artoo's desperate scans

11 Han's Rescue expedition

12 FX-7, The Surgical Droid

13 Luke's Recovery

14 An unwanted visitor

15 Locating the Rebels

16 Admiral Ozzel's Advice

17 Confronting the Probe Droid

18 Darth Vader's Chamber

19 General Veers' Report

20 Han in the Hangar

21 Repairing the Falcon

22 Han and Luke's Farewell

23 Princess Leia Preps the Pilots

24 Rebels in the Trenches

25 Luke in the Cockpit

26 Taking on the Empire

27 Launching the Snowspeeders

28 Rogue Leader Prepares

29 War Comes to Hoth

30 General Veers Takes Aim

31 Imperial Troops in the Base

32 Snowtrooper Invasion

33 Last chance Lightsaber rescue

34 Luke Against the Empire

35 Running from the Empire

36 Getting the Falcon up

37 The Millenium Falcon Departs

38 Escape through the Asteroids

39 Arrival in the Swamp

40 Searching for Artoo

41 The Perils of Dagobah

42 Admiral Piett's Interruption

43 Entering The Cave

44 Stopping for Repairs

45 Setting up Camp

46 Charging R2-D2

47 Dinner on Dagobah

48 A Little Green Stranger

49 A Disturbance at Camp

50 Seeking Yoda

51 Darth Vader's Conference

52 Droid in the Rain

53 Stories of the Master

54 Yoda's Warning

55 Jedi Master Yoda Revealed

56 Mynocks and Movement

57 Outside the Falcon

58 A Jedi Trains on Dagobah

59 Searching for Knowledge

60 Call of the Dark Side

61 Exploring the Cave

62 Yoda's Vigilance

63 Facing the Dark Side

64 Bounty Hunters Assembled

65 Bossk and 4-LOM

66 Darth Vader and Dengar

67 Darth Vader's Instructions

68 No Disintegrations

69 Evading the Empire again

70 Losing the Millennium Falcon

71 Droids and Stones

72 Lessons of the Force

73 Following Failure

74 Lifting the X-Wing

75 Luke's Disbelief

76 Accepting Captain Needa's Apology

77 The Dark Lord's Discipline

78 Entering Bespin

79 Trouble with Security

80 Landing in Cloud City

81 Princess Leia's Reservations

82 Lando Calrissian

83 An Unconventional Welcome

84 At Lobot's Disposal

85 Old Friends Reunited

86 Luke's dark feeling

87 Han's Update

88 Worried for Threepio

89 Facing the Future

90 Lando's Tour of Cloud City

91 Threepio's Surprising State

92 Dinner with Darth Vader

93 Boba Fett Reveals himself

94 Lando's Betrayal

95 Trapped by Stormtroopers

96 A Cruel Encounter

97 Reassembling Threepio

98 Han and Leia Reunited

99 Prepping the Carbon-Freeze Chamber

100 Darth Vader's Promise

101 Boba Fett Reacts

102 Han Solo's Desperate Plea

103 A Difficult Good-Bye

104 Lando Stands By

105 Watching in Horror

106 Into the Chamber

107 Cries of the Wookiee

108 Han Solo Imprisoned

109 Princess Leia's Anguish

110 In Perfect Hibernation

111 Escorting the Rebels

112 Luke Skywalker Arrives

113 Boba Fett and his Prize

114 The Bounty Hunter Passes

115 Princess Leia Sends a Warning

116 Grabbing A Glimpse of Luke

117 Luke Springs the Trap

118 Darth Vader Reveals Himself

119 Face to Face with the Dark Lord

120 The Duel Begins

121 The Empire Surrounded

122 Lando Redeems himself

123 Racing to Save Han

124 Keeping up with Vader

125 Luke Falls in

126 Impressing the Dark Lord

127 The Battle Rages on

128 Pursuing his Opponent

129 Searching for Darth Vader

130 Return to the Duel

131 Fighting the Dark Side

132 Darth Vader Stands his Ground

133 Lando sets the Evacuation

134 Defending the Escape

135 R2-D2 Saves the Day

136 The Stormtroopers Converge

137 Lando Fires Back

138 Out to the Gantry

139 A Ferocious Exchange

140 Luke is Overpowered

141 Luke's Escape

142 Nowhere Left to Run

143 Darth Vader's Revelation

144 Luke's Cry for Help

145 Leia touched by the Force

146 Reactivating Threepio

147 Rescued and Ready to Depart

148 Luke's New Hand

149 The Search for Han begins

150 Bidding the Falcon farewell


Base Set Parallels


Sepia (1 per pack)

Blue Hue Shift (1:4 packs)


Green Hue Shift (#/99)

Purple Hue Shift (#/25)

Red Hue Shift(#/10)

Orange Hue Shift (#/5)

Metal (1/1)


Insert: Behind the Scenes

BTS-1 Building Echo Base

BTS-2 Aboard the Executor

BTS-3 Harrison grabs a break

BTS-4 The Captain on his Ship

BTS-5 Steering the Recovery

BTS-6 Luke, Camera, Action

BTS-7 The Gantry Climax

BTS-8 Harrison and Carrie

BTS-9 Echo Base downtime

BTS-10 Irvin Climbs On

BTS-11 Prepping the Tauntaun

BTS-12 Waiting for the Droid

BTS-13 Stopping for a Laugh

BTS-14 Filming in Finse, Norway

BTS-15 Prey of the Wampa

BTS-16 Shooting the Speeder Crash

BTS-17 Setting Up the Droid Repair

BTS-18 Handling the Healing Mask

BTS-19 Wake of the Wampa Attack

BTS-20 Chewie and the Crew

BTS-21 The Probe Droid prop

BTS-22 Arranging the Dinner

BTS-23 Irvin Kershner

BTS-24 The Carbon-Freezing Chamber set

BTS-25 Crafting 2-1B

BTS-26 In the Light Tunnel

BTS-27 Lighting the Gantry Duel

BTS-28 Setting Luke's Assault

BTS-29 The Cloud City Junk Room

BTS-30 Building the Dagobah Swamp

BTS-31 Artoo and the Rainstorm

BTS-32 Outside the Hut

BTS-33 Alec Guinness on Set

BTS-34 Dinner on Set

BTS-35 Stuart Freeborn and his Wampa

BTS-36 Paper City

BTS-37 Setting up Battle Scenes

BTS-38 Configuring the Wampa Cave

BTS-39 The Wampa Cave

BTS-40 Filming Luke's Escape


Insert: Concept Art

CA-1 Boba Fett

CA-2 The Fearsome Wampa

CA-3 Rebel Snowspeeder

CA-4 The Imperial AT-AT

CA-5 Imperial Snowtrooper

CA-6 Darth Vader's Chamber

CA-7 The Executor

CA-8 The Rebel Transport

CA-9 Slave I

CA-10 Jedi Master Yoda


Insert: Iconic Characters

IC-1 Luke Skywalker

IC-2 Princess Leia Organa

IC-3 Han Solo

IC-4 Lando Calrissian

IC-5 Darth Vader

IC-6 C-3PO

IC-7 R2-D2

IC-8 Yoda

IC-9 Captain Needa

IC-10 Admiral Ozzel and General Veers

IC-11 Boba Fett

IC-12 Bossk

IC-13 IG-88

IC-14 Zuckuss

IC-15 Dengar

IC-16 4-LOM

IC-17 Luke Skywalker (Hoth)

IC-18 Princess Leia (Hoth)

IC-19 Chewbacca

IC-20 General Rieekan


Insert: Poster Cards

PO-1 Ten years of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

PO-2 Luke Skywalker in Front

PO-3 Darth Vader's Reign

PO-4 The Whole Ensemble

PO-5 The Saga Rages on

PO-6 Leading the Empire

PO-7 War on Hoth

PO-8 The Unstoppable Pilot

PO-9 Atop the Tauntaun

PO-10 A New Interpretation


Sketch Card Artists


Includes standard sketch cards, shaped sketch cards, and panorama sketch cards


Adam Beck

Alex Mines

Andrew Arensberg

Andrew Fry

Andrew Joynes

Andrew Sanchez

Andy Bohn

Andy Duggan

Angel Aviles

Anil Sharma

Anthony Figaro

Anthony Skubis

Ari Arnaldsson

Ashlee Brienzo

Ashley Marsh

Atni Ellison

Barry Renshaw

Başak Çetinkaya

Ben AbuSaada

Bill Pulkovski

Brad Hudson

Brad Utterstrom

Brendan Purchase

Brent Ragland

Brent Scotchmer

Brian Axtell

Brian Kong

Bruce Gerlach

Caleb Hildenbrandt

Caleb King

Can Baran

Candice Dailey

Carlos Cabaleiro

Carolyn Craggs

Chris Kay

Chris Quinn

Chris Thorne

Colin Arthurs

Cyrus Sherkat

Dan Gorman

Dan Tearle

Darrin Pepe

David Jackowski

Dean Drummond

Dylan Riley

Eli Hyder

Eric Lehtonen

Eric Muller

Francisco Rivera

Frank Kadar

Frank Sansone

Fredd Gorham

Gabe Farber

Garrett Dix

Gorkem Demir

Huy Truong

Ian MacDougall

Ingrid Hardy

Ivan Rodriguez

James Henry Smith

Jamie Cosley

Jamie Richards

Jason Miller

Jason Queen

Jay Manchand

Jessica Hickman

Jim Mehsling

John Bruce

John DiBiase

John Pleak

Jon McKenzie

Jonathan Beistline

Jose Ventura

Josh Church


Jude Gallagher

Justin Castaneda

Keith Farnum

Kelly Baber

Kevin Cleveland

Kevin Liell

Kevin P. West

Laura Atkinson

Laura Martin

Lee Lightfoot

Lindsey Greyling

Lloyd Mills

Logan Monette

Louise Draper

Madison Emerick

Maggie Ransom

Mai Irving

Marcia Dye

Marlo Agunos

Marsha Parkins

Matt Applegate

Matt Maldonado

Matt Stewart

Matthew Hirons

Matthew Lopez

Matthew Sutton

Michael Mastermaker

Michael Sealie

Michelle Rayner

Mick and Matt Glebe

Mohammad Jilani

Nathan Ohlendorf

Neil Camera

Nicholas Baltra

Nick Allsopp

Nick Gribbon

Nick Justus

Omar Salinas

Oscar Chavez

Patricio Carrasco

Paul Schiers

Phil Hassewer

Phillip Trujillo

Rachel Brady

Rebecca Sharp

Rees Finlay

Rich Hennemann

Richard Serrao

Rob Teranishi

Robert Hendrickson

Rodney Roberts

Ronnie Crowther

Ryan Crosby

Ryan Finley

Ryan Olsen

Ryan Santos

Sammy Gomez

Scott Harrell

Seth Groves

Shaow Siong

Solly Mohamed

Stephanie Swanger

Steve Fuchs

Thomas Amici

Tim Proctor

Tim Shinn

Tony Poulson

Travis Kinnison

Trent Westbrook

Veronica Smith

Vincenzo D'Ippolito

Ward Silverman

Zach Woolsey

Autograph Cards

Black and White

Alan Harris as Bossk

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa

Cathy Munro as Zuckuss

Chris Parsons as 4-LOM

Clive Revill, voice of Emperor Palpatine

David Barclay, puppeteer for Yoda

Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles

Harrison Ford as Han Solo

Howie Weed as Wampa

Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine

Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett

John Morton, double for Boba Fett

John Morton as Dak Ralter

John Ratzenberger as Bren Derlin

Julian Glover as General Veers

Kenneth Colley as Admiral Piett

Kenny Baker as R2-D2

Mark Capri as Officer M'kae

Milton Johns as Captain Bewil

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca

Richard Oldfield as Derek "Hobbie" Klivian

Temuera Morrison, voice of Boba Fett

Color (Short Print)

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa

Harrison Ford as Han Solo

Kenny Baker as R2-D2

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca


Autograph Cards (Continued)

Dual Autograph Cards

Alan Harris as Bossk & Cathy Munro as Zuckuss

Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian & Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca

Chris Parsons as 4-LOM & Cathy Munro as Zuckuss

Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles & John Morton as Dak Ralter

Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles & Richard Oldfield as Derek "Hobbie" Klivian

Harrison Ford as Han Solo & Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa

Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett & Alan Harris as Bossk

Kenny Baker as R2-D2 & Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Triple Autograph Cards

Cathy Munro, Chris Parsons, & Alan Harris

Denis Lawson, John Morton, & Richard Oldfield

Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, & Billy Dee Williams

Jeremy Bulloch, Cathy Munro, & Chris Parsons

Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, & Anthony Daniels

Six-Person Autograph (double-sided card) (1/1)

Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew


Autograph Card Parallels

Blue Hue Shift (#/99)

Green Hue Shift (#/25)

Purple Hue Shift (#/10)

Orange Hue Shift (#/5)

Red Hue Shift (1/1)


Gallery: Star Wars Black & White: The Empire Strikes Back Box Break


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