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Stormtrooper Commander - Sideshow Collectibles - 1:6 Scale Figures (2009)

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Lightsabers | Scaled Replicas | Helmet Replicas | Studio Scale | Miscellaneous


The Master Replicas booth was something to behold this weekend in New York City as they were displaying a little bit of everything from all of their Star Wars lines.

We all love the FX Saber line and we've all been waiting for the ultimate FX lightsaber...Darth Maul's. The lightsaber will be packaged so you can purchase either just one hilt and blade if you like that battle damaged effect or in a special package that includes the entire double bladed lightsaber. Master Replicas will be offering the full Maul lightsaber at a special discount (mfrp: $119/$199). The power up and power down lighting effects for the latest wave of sabers works brilliantly and the sound effects will no doubt make you feel like you are a real Sith in battle against the Jedi. Just don't play with this in your collection room though, the blades are long when hooded together! We saw more than one passerby making a last minute duck to avoid getting hit with one while they were being played with by booth visitors. A few of them didn't duck quick enough.

The Limited Edition (LE) line was graced with the brand new Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) and the Qui-Gon Jinn sabers. Both of them have the excellent attention to detail that you can expect from Master Replicas and if you have not purchased the Luke lightsaber yet, we highly suggest that you do before they are all gone...and with a run of just 2,000, almost gone they are!

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Scaled Replicas

The .45 Scaled Sabers were also on display this weekend and in addition to a number of pieces that most of you probably already have in the collection the Qui-Gon Jinn Scaled Saber was on display as well. The Stormtrooper and Han Solo Scaled Blasters were also on hand and this will be must haves for any collection. Look for them to be on sale in the 3rd quarter this year.

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Helmet Replicas

The fantastic Darth Vader helmet was on display side by side with the helmet of his favorite bounty hunter...Boba Fett! Both helmets are excellent works of art that explore the different jobs that both Vader and Boba Fett did in their careers. Darth Vader's helmet is pristine and perfect and shines in all the right places as the Dark Lord nearly always had someone else do the dirty work for him. Boba Fett's helmet, in contrast, shows all the years of battle damage that it incurred from the smallest scratch to the nice big dents when Boba was just not quick enough to move out of the way (or duck under a closing door).

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Studio Scale Replicas

The Studio Scale Y-Wing was on display as well and if the images at Master Replicas web site didn't knock you upside down, seeing the ship with your own eyes will. Studio scale is much bigger than any other Y-Wing you may already have in your collection and the attention to detail is out of this world. From making sure that every strut, wire, screw and hinge that held these fighters together were respected in the sculpt to the battle damage and R2 unit in the back seat, this must be one of the most impressive vehicles I have seen made available to the public. The display base, a replica of one of the cannons that lined the trench during the first Battle of the Death Star, is the perfect compliment to display the ship.

If you think the Y-Wing is a fantastic vehicle then the new Studio Scale vehicle on the drawing boards will really knock your socks off...the Millennium Falcon. Master Replicas was granted access to the Lucasfilm archives once again and they were able to find the actual parts to the Falcon. This means that this will be the most accurate version of the Falcon to date since Master Replicas was able to see all the funky parts the model department used to create the model some 20-something years ago! They are still working on a price point for this vehicle right now, but you can expect it to be in the $2,000 range...and when you see the size of the finished product you'll know it will be worth every penny. The image of Chuck below with the cardboard cutout will let you know just how much space you will need to reserve in the collection room for this sure to be masterpiece!

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Miscellaneous Items

The Poker Set was on display once again and you can expect to see that later this year. It will retail for about $100 and there will be a special edition available that will be boxed in a Han Solo in Carbonite that is sure to be a hit with all collectors.

For those of you who would love to own your very own Anakin Skywalker costume Master Replicas is hard at work trying to make these a reality. They are looking at many aspects of the project to make sure it comes out perfect for all those interested including issues like if they should make this a studio replica or in a variety of sizes and if offering it as a complete costume or as selected parts.

And, for those of you who want that something extra obscure in the collection, Master Replicas will be importing Darth Vader lightsaber hilt umbrellas! The umbrella featured the Dark Lord's lightsaber hilt and the umbrella itself will feature a sky of stars once opened...

Master Replicas had a great booth layout, were very friendly while chatting with us and answering the many questions we threw their way. They also had on hand a few members of the New York Saber Training Club, demonstrating the lightsabers for all to see. Just be sure to duck when that Darth Maul FX saber demo is in progress... ESPECIALLY when it's in the hands of one of the non-club members.

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