After Hasbro's Q&A session, all of
the new products introduced during the slideshow were
unveiled to the fans in their hidden showcase. There was plenty to drool over, and
fans will be kept busy for the rest of 2006 and most of 2007 hunting this stuff down!
Here's your complete breakdown of what
you can expect from Hasbro. For gallery images, click here.
2006 Saga Collection
Basic Figures (December)
053 Darth Maul - Sith Training
054 Chewbacca - Cloud City Escape
055 Kit Fisto - Clone Wars
056 Holographic Commander Cody
057 Clone Trooper - 442nd Siege Battalion
058 R5-A1 - Imperial Astromech Droid
059 Clone Trooper - 5th Fleet Security
060 Clone Trooper Sergeant (Ep. II)
061 Super Battle Droid - Kashyyyk
062 Battle Droid 2-pack - Kashyyyk
063 Holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi
064 Commander Appo
065 Clone Trooper - 41st Elite Corps
066 Yarael Poof
067 R4-K5 - Darth Vader's Astromech Droid
068 Padmé Amidala - Geonosis
069 Clone Trooper - Combat Engineer
070 Kitik Keed'kak (Wal*Mart Exclusive)
071 Kabe & Nabrun Leids (Wal*Mart Exclusive)
072 Labria (Wal*Mart Exclusive)
073 Aurra Sing (Wal*Mart Exclusive)
074 Mace Windu's Astromech Droid (Wal*Mart Exclusive)
- Mace Windu's Squadron –
Mace Windu, Clone Commander, Clone Trooper x3
- Republic Commando 7-pack ($29.99,
December, Internet Exclusive) – Sev, Fixer, Scorch,
Delta 38, Sun Fac, Geonosian Warrior x2
- Imperial Briefing Room Scene Pack ($29.99,
November, Diamond Comics Exclusive) – Darth Vader, Governor Tarkin, Admiral
Motti, General Tagge, Officer Cass, Chief Bast, General Wulf Yalaren
Commemorative DVD Collection (September
12, Wal*Mart Exclusives)
- Episode IV - Darth
Vader, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Episode V - Han Solo, Chewbacca, Stormtrooper
- Episode VI - R2-D2, C-3PO, Emperor
Palpatine, Luke Skywalker (Jedi)
Star Wars Commutative Tins with Figures
- Episode 1: Darth Maul/ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon
Jinn/ R2-D2 (October)
- Episode 2: Clone Trooper/ Anakin Skywalker & Jango
Fett/ Count Dooku (October)
- Episode 3: Mace Windu/ Yoda & Anakin
Skywalker/ AT-RT Driver (October)
- Episode 4: Darth Vader/ Princess Leia & C-3PO/
Sandtrooper (November)
- Episode
5: Han Solo (Hoth)/ Chewbacca & Luke Skywalker (Hoth)/ Snowtrooper (November)
- Episode
6: Darth Vader/ Biker Scout (Flip-Up Helmet) & Endor Rebel Soldier/ Princess
Leia (Ewok Celebration) (November)
- Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes: All 5 Cantina
Band members ($24.99, October, Wal*Mart Exclusive)
- TIE Fighter (White) with new top hatch ($19.99, November)
- Saesee Tinn Jedi Starfighter
($19.99, November)
30th Anniversary Collection
Basic Figures with Coins
- McQuarrie Stormtrooper
- Mustafar Miner
- Galactic Marine
- Airborne Trooper
- 1 McQuarrie Concept Art style figure will be released in each
of the 1st 8 waves
Comic Book 2-Packs ($9.99, starting January 2007)
- Kir Kanos & Kanor
Jax (EE, SWS.com, Hasbro Toy Shop)
- Darth Vader & Rebel Trooper
- Governor Tarkin & Stormtrooper
- Chewbacca & Han Solo in Stormtrooper
- Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper
Disguise & ???
Battle Packs
Order Sixty-Six ($9.99, October)
- Jedi Masters: Royal Guard, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto,
Saesee Tinn
- Vader's 501st Legion: 501st Clone Trooper x4
- A new Empire: Darth Vader (Anakin),
Darth Sidious, Royal Guard x2
- Shock Trooper Battalion: Shock Trooper x4
Ultimate Battles ($19.99, December)
- Battle of Geonosis – Mace Windu,
Battle Droid x2, Super Battle Droid, Clone Trooper x3, Destroyer Droid, Yellow CLone
- Battle of Kashyyyk – Battle Droid
x2, Destroyer Droid x2, Kashyyyk Trooper x3, Wookiee Warrior x2, Super Battle Droid
- Imperial Invasion – Imperial Snowtrooper
x4, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Rebel Trooper x4
Basic Vehicle Series
- Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Ring
- Dewback with Sandtrooper
- Sith Speeder with Darth Maul
- Y-Wing (Red Deco)
- Speeder Bike with Ewok
- Invisible Hand
- Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Clone Wars)
- Naboo Starfighter (Blue)
- Tantive IV
- Naboo Star Skiff
- Grievous' Starship
- AT-AT (Endor)
- X-Wing (Dagobah)
- Republic Gunship (Yellow nose markings)
- Snowspeeder
- X-Wing (Red 2)
- Swamp Speeder (with AT-RT Drivers)
- Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter
- ARC-170 (Clone Wars Deco)
Die Cast Figures
- Luke Skywalker (Hoth Pilot)
- R2-D2 (Invisible Hand)
- Clone Captain (Ep. II)
Galactic Heroes
2-packs (November)
- Luke Skywalker (Bespin) & Lando Calrissian
- Hoth Rebel Trooper & Snowtrooper
- Chewbacca (w/ Cargo Net) & C-3PO (w/
Removable Limbs)
- Darth Vader (New) & Princess Leia
Cinema Scenes ($19.99, December) – Movie
scene to remain intact after packaging is removed
- Death Star Escape – Stormtrooper,
Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker,
C-3PO, R2-D2, Imperial Astromech
- Geonosis Arena– Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone (Blue), Padmé,
C-3PO, Clone (Red), Anakin Skywalker, Jango Fett, Geonosian Warrior, Super Battle
Droid, Battle Droid
- Bounty
Hunters – Zuckuss, Blackhole Stormtrooper, 4-LOM, Stormtrooper x2, Dengar,
Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88
- Sith vs. Jedi – Utapau Trooper,
Shock Trooper, General Grievous, Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan
Kenobi, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Yoda
- Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter/ Darth Vader
- ARC-170 (Clone Wars Deco)/ Clone Trooper
Role Play
Force Action Spring Loaded Lightsabers ($19.99, October, 30th
Anniv. package)
- Anakin Skywalker
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Darth Vader
- Darth Maul (Wal*Mart)
Blasters ($19.99, February, 30th Anniv. package) - With
LED sighting and Nerf Technology
- Clone Trooper
- Rebel Blaster
- Electronic R2-D2 in new Tube Style Packaging
- Darth Tater Container (Volume Discount
Store) - Contains the parts to all 3 Star Wars Taters
Hasbro's New Product Gallery
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