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Star Wars Experience – The Art of Star Wars Exhibition - Singapore, Japan
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition - Singapore, Japan
by Joris DeSmet and David Guivant
November 19, 2005 - April 3, 2006
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition Pre-Opening Photo Gallery

Star Wars is a phenomenon!

Even this much after the theatrical release of the last Episode, it is getting a lot more attention on a much broader scale than ever before. People from all social classes and all ethnic backgrounds all around the world fell to its enchantment � to name just one; even the academics have embraced the universe George Lucas created. And that, in spite of the fact that not all of the Jedi frolics we have been witnessing on the screen have a sound scientific explanation.

Testimonies to this fact of scientific acquiescence are the various exhibitions that are organized around the theme of Star Wars in � Science Centres.

In Paris, France, you can visit an exhibition relating Star Wars to science from at the Cit� des Sciences (more information at, but also on the other side of the world (from our point of view, at least) fans can partake in a similar event: the Art of Star Wars Exhibition in Singapore!

A little note � Lucasfilm Ltd. signs partner for both events, which sure gives them an extraordinary �official� character, so if you have to opportunity to visit either exhibition or even better, both, you shouldn't hesitate for one second to do so �

The initiative for the Singapore Exhibition was taken by the Singapore Science Centre and is done in close cooperation with the Singapore Star Wars fan club. As such, you'll find ample coverage of the event on the web site, but we insisted on giving you some highlights here, especially because we're in touch with a well-informed inside contact: our favourite Bothan contact in those parts of the world and that�s nobody less than fan film maker David Guivant.

David is attending the exhibition to promote his fan-made movies George Lucas, Legends of the Force and Prime of the Jedi. They were screened twice during the course of the exhibition and David will add a lecture about the use of special effects after each screening. You can read a personal report on his Experiences right here (link: the Bothan article). On this page, we're offering you a number of exclusive pictures covering the unpacking of the various costumes and props on display. While that was happening inside the Science Centre�s rooms, outside fans celebrated the advent of the Exhibition in a grand opening event.

And when looking at the photo report of that event, you'll have to admit that the Force is big in Singapore! If we Europeans and Americans think we are making nifty costumes that look like the real thing, then you should see the detail that our Asian brothers (and sisters) put into their work! There�s just one word and that�s ��� � indeed, I remained speechless!

When it comes to costumes a special mention goes to the local detachment of the 501st and, a group of Malaysian fan costume makers. You can get a taste of what the latter are up to here as well, as we were fortunate enough to receive a number of pictures of their work.

The tickets to the Art Exhibition will likely prove to become collectible objects. From the start of the exhibition until the 17th December Darth Vader figured on the tickets. As from the 18th, Anakin pays a call on the ticket�s surface.

If you like what you see here, you may want to proceed to a Virtual Tour of the Exhibition (link: Exhibition Tour page).


Pictures are a courtesy of Adam Teo (, �Exun� and David Guivant.

The Art of Star Wars Exhibition: "The Bothan Article"
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition: Virtual Exhibition Tour

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