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Special Report: Saber Stand Force FX Lightsaber Stand Review
by: Chuck Paskovics
December 20, 2005

If you have any force fx lightsabers, you know how big they are! Even just one can be a challenge to display. I had my only one displayed horizontally on the included display stand, which is not a bad way to display them. However, displaying them horizontally can take up alot of valuable wall real estate, space that can be better served displaying the mass amounts of other collectibles, such as carded figures, posters, shelving for your collection, etc. So, when I received my 2nd saber just the other day, I had no room for my brand new, very cool Mace Windu force fx saber. So, it sat around next to my desk for a few days while I pondered just where I was going to display this awesome new collectible in my already crowded collection room. After all, these things are just too cool to leave boxed up!

Out of no where, just days after I received my new Mace Windu saber, sent me a sample of one of their unique, single-saber vertical display stands to try out. This was a very nice surprise because this opened up a whole new world to where I can display my saber! Being a single stand, I can now choose from at least 10 different areas in my collection room to display the saber.

Upon first glance, the stand and the blade accessory do not appear to be much. They are small, unobtrusive, and don't in any way block the saber hilt. They are made of a very sturdy, thick black plastic. Each piece comes with a matching wall mount bracket for easy installation (see below). Once I opened the package, I had my stand mounted in minutes! It simply does not come any easier than that.


Another nice thing about a vertical stand is that over time, displayed horizontally, the blade tends to sag causing a slight warp. Not a problem with this vertical stand! Also, the saber comes off the stand very easily, so switching your sabers around the room to change things around is quite easy. Just lift the saber off the hilt mount and slide it out of the blade mount.

I love the force fx saber line, but due to the fact that they are hard to display I did not intend on getting many more. Now that there is a better way to display these, I just might have to start hunting more of these cool collectibles down!

I glanced around the web site to learn more about the stand and found a few more pictures showing them off. The stand is very affordable, and you can even save more by buying multiples. The web site is simple to navigate and they only offer the one product. That makes finding (and buying) very easy!

Jedi Temple Archives definately gives this stand 2 sabers up! Not if, but when I add another force fx saber to my collection, I will also be adding another saber-stand to display it! But, don't take my word for it. Check out some more pictures, then head on over and see what they have to offer...



And, of course, what force fx gallery would be complete without the glow of the lightsaber...


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