Name: Praetorian Guard (With Double Blade)
Collection: Movie Masterpiece Series (MMS454)
Status: Praetorian Guard (With Double Blade) is rework of Praetorian Guard (With Heavy Blade). The body is the same, but this time, the figure features a new helmet configuration and two new weapons.
Source: The Last Jedi
Availability: May 2018
License: Hot Toys (Sixth Scale)
Retail: $205.00 USD
Accessories: 3 interchangeable right hands, 3 interchangeable left hands, four black wrist joints, Interchangealbe helmet style C, Interchangealbe helmet style B, vibro-arbir double blade (2 pieces), electro-bisento blade, action figure stand (red label) with Praetorian Guard nameplate (3 parts)