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The Legacy Collection

Hoth Recon Patrol - TLC - Battle Packs

Name: Hoth Recon Patrol
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: N/A
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: July 2008
License: Hasbro

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While on a routine patrol, Han and Chewie investigate the source of a strange signal, and discover an Imperial probe droid, which immediately fires upon the pair. When Han returns fire, the droid self-destructs – but not before it tells the Empire where the Rebel's base is located. As the Alliance begins an immediate evacuation of Echo Base, R2-M5 [sic] helps coordinate plans and K-3PO provides tactical support to hold back the Imperial forces.

The Battle Packs line has long given collectors an excellent medium to gain multiple figures at once with some of them being never before available. Hasbro quickly utilized this subset to enhance older versions of figures, add new ones, and even retool others by swapping parts from two completely different action figures. And it is a way for Hasbro to include some larger accessories and smaller scale vehicles into our collections with great ease too. case in point: the Hoth Recon Patrol Battle Packs set. It is one of the most impressive Battle Packs we have received to date. Hoth Recon Patrol was also one of the last Battle Packs to include five figures, a sad commentary for the future of the line. This popular sub-line has since been updated to only include four unfortunately, or packed with a bigger item and even less basic figures alongside of it. Let's not get too off track here. Not only is the Hoth Recon Patrol Battle Packs set impressive, but it is also very well-rounded. Hasbro gave us one never before available character and four enhanced and/or updated figures. Your opinions may vary out there, but we are thoroughly in awe with this set. It must take quite a bit of time for Hasbro to storyboard what figures will make up a Battle Packs set. And then once the decision is made, it must then be quite another task to map out what versions of the characters will be released and what will be basis for them. The Hoth Recon Patrol is an excellent example of a well thought out plan by Hasbro to give us a fantastic miniature collection of figures that incredibly complement each other in addition to be phenomenal individual action figures themselves. And maybe it is because they have included an R5 unit in this set that makes us all giddy inside (we love R5 units), but the overall package is stunning and we are so happy Hasbro created this set for us. Don’t get us wrong, some Battle Packs have been really bad stinkers, but there is no way this set could be called inferior in any way. It is an incredible value for your dollar in addition to giving us five excellent action figures (with no less than three of them being droids). What collector doesn't get excited for new astromech droids in the Star Wars line?

The obvious reason to buy this set is for R5-M2, which is interestingly misspelled in the Battle Packs' bio as R2-M5. This droid is certainly more than just a rework of 2006’s TSC R5-D4 (SAGA 032) figure. This astromech droid is excellently colored with a dark metallic head and has ‘just enough’ dirt on its lower legs which makes its appearance at Echo Base even more believable. Sadly, the character didn't make a big appearance in Episode V, so this was an obscure character for Hasbro to bring into the Star Wars toy line. (We're nonetheless happy about it.) The droid could have been painted even dirtier, but we will count our blessings that Hasbro even attempted to do “something” besides give us a pristinely clean droid. R5-M2 is the shining star of this Battle Packs set. There are other reasons to but this set as well. K-3PO is another great figure but this protocol droid is bittersweet as well however. Although it is great to get him with a lot more articulation, the dark rings around his eyes make him look more like Pris from Blade Runner than a Hoth protocol droid. K-3PO is simply a rework of 2006’s TSC C-3PO (With Ewok Throne) (SAGA 042) figure so don’t expect too much more from him than that. But you may want to note that a benefit to getting this set is that K-3PO now has a clean body without the battle-damage markings that the 2000 POTJ K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) version has. (By the way, are you seeing a pattern here?) Ultimately, we think fans and collectors may remain partial to the first version of him just because overall figure looks better and has a better paint job. Chewbacca is nothing too special, although he is a repaint of the figure from 2005's TSC Early Bird Figures mail-away set. Whenever Hasbro uses a Chewbacca figure that is originally based on 2004's VOTC Chewbacca, it is always a good thing. But we are not so sure why they used his Episode IV likeness in this particular set. Chewbacca’s hair on Hoth was certainly more “fly away” and not slicked back like in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. There is also not a lot of “snow” on his body. He could have benefitted from a stronger application of snow dots on him. Han Solo is a repaint of the figure from 2008 TAC Han Solo/R-3PO (3 of 6) Walmart Droid Factory set, this time with a "brown" coat, which to be honest doesn’t look all "that" brown in color to us.

Finally, the Imperial Probe Droid or Probot is a magnificent repaint of the POFT2 Deluxe figure. Looking nothing like its original, it has been painted in a beautiful silver paint and glistens and shine in all the right spots. Nothing has been tweaked on it and this is a little bit of a shame. Unfortunately, the sculpt is a little outdated so we hope a retool is in the works as this is really the only way this figure can be further improved. All of the figures are different enough to consider new, so this is certainly is quite a value for your money. And since it is based on the fan favorite Episode V film, well, that is in and of itself reason to purchase this set. Droids have clearly been at the forefront of Hasbro’s parking lot lately. And what a great way to release never before available droids than in a Battle Packs set. They are simple to do, cost effective for Hasbro and cost beneficial and are happy pills for collectors. And since it is one of the few character choices that has broad universal appeal, we feel that Hasbro can’t go wrong by continuing with this trend. This is also why we hope that the Build A Droid pack-in premium doesn’t go away. Droids are infinitely popular and the model to make seem to have an infinite pot from which to pull from. As stated earlier, after this Battle Packs set was released, Hasbro decided that ongoing ones were only going to include four figures. To add insult to injury, the packs shot up four dollars from $19.99 to $24.99 at most retail locations. So we quickly went from a value of $4 a figure to $6 a figure (and less or more since some Battle Packs only contain two or three figures if there are small vehicles contained inside.) So we need to up the volume of our critical voice and plead with Hasbro to give us more bang for our buck again. We would even be willing to accept a straight repack of a fifth figure just to help out the cost ratio. Released during tough financial times and a waning collector audience, this isn't a good path to take. Despite this unfortunate turn of events with Battle Packs, we have certainly received some remarkable ones throughout our collecting tenure. Hoth Recon Patrol is one of the best Battle Packs ever and we hope that Hasbro continues to throw in a couple of standout sets in the middle of the repacks, or even new ones that don’t include new or revisited figures.

Collector Notes

Hoth Recon Patrol

Assortment Number: 87789/87752

UPC: 653569311805

Retail: $19.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


This protocol droid provides the Rebels with information on military tactics that he learned from his former owner Commander Narra.

Status: K-3PO is a repaint of 2006's TSC C-3PO (With Ewok Throne) (SAGA 042) figure.

Articulation Count: 11 points (10 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: reverse ball-socket head (removable) (1), swivel left shoulder (removable) (1), swivel right shoulder (removable) (1), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), hinge-jointed left knee (1), hinge-jointed right knee (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2006


This astromech droid provides tactical support to Rebel Alliance officer Shawn Valdez and plots escape routes during the evacuation.

Status: R5-M2 is a repaint of 2006's TSC R5-D4 (SAGA 032) figure.

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left "ankle" (1), hinge-jointed right "ankle" (1), left leg rolling wheel (1), right leg rolling wheel (1), center foot rolling wheel (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: removable antenna

Date Stamp: 2004


Chewie does his best to keep his friend Han out of trouble and uses his mechanical skills to repair the ever-malfunctioning Millennium Falcon.

Status: Chewbacca is a repaint of the figure from 2005's TSC Early Bird Figures mail-away exclusive set.

Articulation Count: 25 points (15 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-jointed mid-section (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: bowcaster (2 parts)

Date Stamp: 2004

Han Solo

Han has stayed with the Rebels as long as he can, but can’t wait any longer to pay Jabba the Hutt the money he owes him – or he's a dead man.

Status: Han Solo is a repaint of the figure from 2008's TAC Han Solo/R-3PO (3 of 6) Walmart exclusive Droid Factory set.

Articulation Count: 22 points (14 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left glove (1), swivel right glove (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: macrobinoculars, blaster pistol

Date Stamp: 2007

Imperial Probe Droid

Used for reconnaissance and deep space exploration, Imperial probe droids gather data and transmit it over long distances.

Status: Imperial Probe Droid is a repaint of 1997's POTF2 [FF/TKC] Probe Droid Deluxe figure.

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), extendable neck (1), action feature firing button (1), 5 ball-socket utlity arms (5)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: projectile

Date Stamp: 1997

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 1
Hoth Recon Patrol
Hoth Speeder Bike Patrol
Speeder Bike Recon

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 2
B'omarr Monastery Assault
Shield Generator Assault

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 3
Training On The Falcon

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 4
Clone Attack On Coruscant (See ROTS Clone Attack On Coruscant)
Jedi Training On Dagobah
Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious (See TSC Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious)

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 5
AT-TE Assault Squad

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 6
Jabba's Palace
Scramble On Yavin

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars/The Legacy Collection) Wave 7
Ambush On The Vulture's Claw
Geonosis Assault

Added: August 24, 2009
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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