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Bossk (The Clone Wars) - Maquettes

Name: Bossk (The Clone Wars)
Number: Item No. 80079
Edition Size: 1000 (2010 CV Exclusive)
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 20: Death Trap)
Availability: August 2010
License: Gentle Giant Ltd.

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Bossk, a Trandoshan, began his career during the Clone Wars by hunting Wookiees in the Kashyyyk system. During this time, Bossk made a name for himself and began accepting bounties on non-Wookiees as well, becoming one of the galaxy's most feared bounty hunters.

If you are a collector who only worries about the stuff that Hasbro makes for you, you are sorely missing out on some of the higher end stuff made by Sideshow Collectibles and Gentle Giant Ltd. There really is no other softer way of saying this unfortunately. Don’t interpret our statement as criticism because it’s not. But until you own a few 1:6 Scale Figures, Premium Format Figures and some Maquettes (the line), you won’t be truly able to appreciate how much more detail and artistic prowess is achieved in stunning products like these where details are enhanced and scale is increased. Take for instance the absolutely mesmerizing Bossk (The Clone Wars) Maquette. This is sculpting at its finest and the sculpting is rivaled by the even more beautiful paint job. We may be a little bit partial because Bossk is one of our absolute most favorite Star Wars characters. But the Bossk (The Clone Wars) Maquette should be an addition to anyone’s collection because, well, because it’s just plain awesome. If you buy only one Maquette, buy this one. Rarely do pieces from the Maquettes line keep giving (i.e. it doesn't get boring), but Bossk does. It doesn’t lose its luster and it makes us want even more characters from The Clone Wars, but only if they are of this quality.

Many collectors usually want to know what defines a maquette. Is it unique from a statue? Actually, it is. For a maquette, if the “sculpted figure” portion is removable from the base, you pretty much have yourself a statue. If your sculpt isn’t removable, then you likely have a maquette. (There are exceptions of course.) But there is more. A maquette can be described as an “intended piece of artwork or sculpt”. This obviously means that there are bigger plans for this "preliminary reference". It’s only the jumping off point for something “bigger”. And as we have seen in the Lucasfilm, Ltd. archives, most of the aliens in Jabba’s Palace started life out as a maquette before becoming full-sized costumes. But we digress. The Bossk (The Clone Wars) maquette may in theory be a maquette, but there aren’t any future plans for this “sampled” piece of art. It begins with the artists at Gentle Giant Ltd.. and it ends in our collection. And for that it can be concluded that Gentle Giant Ltd.’s line of maquettes are truly unique and special for our collections alone. Some are better than others and we have to conclusively state that Bossk will be a maquette that will be hard for Gentle Giant to top.

You won’t find a more brilliantly painted interpretation of the animated Bossk anywhere. The textures in the skin and the dirty film on his space suit, Bossk is a stunning array of the highest quality Gentle Giant Ltd. can offer. In a truly awesome move, Gentle Giant has included a real “soft-goods” strap (it looks like real leather to us) for his rifle he is threatening by lifting up into the hair. Bossk is all attitude. He is defiantly resting his right foot one his latest Clone Trooper victims and his smug expression and flared nostrils reinforce to you that this soulless beast will stop at nothing to stay on target. Thankfully, The Clone Wars interpretation of Bossk has remained faithful to the appearance we’re most familiar with in The Empire Strikes Back, so it should pique interest in fans of the films. (This is a great thing of course!) Bossk stands atop a plain hexagonally shaped display stand and it’s the perfect setting as the attention should be focused on the figure. We couldn’t be more thrilled with this brilliant piece. It's pieces like this that draw new collectors into the fold. We hope you’ll at least consider it for you own collection. It is worthy of your time and money.

Collector Notes

Bossk (The Clone Wars)

Status: This highly-detailed maquette, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.

Exclusivity: 2010 Celebration V Exclusive

Assembly: N/A

Date Stamp: 2010

UPC: 871810008216

Retail: $89.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Bossk (The Clone Wars)

Gentle Giant Ltd.

All Maquettes

Added: April 15, 2011
Category: Maquettes
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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