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Name: Zutton
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC189
Source: A New Hope
Availability: March 2021
License: Hasbro
Here we go again! Another Snivvian action figure released means utter confusion for the Star Wars collecting community. But what if Hasbro is correct this time? Let’s go back to the beginning. The vintage Kenner 1979 SW Snaggletooth figure bewilders most everyone. So, we can blame Kenner, but what’s sad is that with all of the reference materials at Hasbro’s disposal today, they often make the same rookie mistakes over and over again, but not this time, it appears. We digress. For the Kenner Star Wars second series, Kenner released a Snivvian action figure with card art that didn’t fully match the action figure inside the bubble. Now, many other action figures from the Kenner line didn’t match their action figure counterparts, but the Snaggletooh is notable in various ways. Firstly, the card art featured a character from The Star Wars Holiday Special, not A New Hope. However, the action figure is a hybrid of Takeel or Zutton from A New Hope (as evidenced by the head sculpt) and Zutmore from The Star Wars Holiday Special (as evidenced by the neck down). That said, we can quickly eliminate Zutmore as an option here. That character is specific to The Star Wars Holiday Special. For trivia fans, as of this figure's release, Zutton is alphabetically the last figure in the list of TVC products.
We’re aggravated that Hasbro didn’t bother to fix the knee or ankle insert-molded joints. They’re still red and clash with the brown areas in which they’re installed. The figure has an excellent sculpt overall, but the paint operations look inferior this time. You’ll notice they didn’t paint the eyeballs entirely this time, and the wash is not even throughout the figure. The original version from 2012 has a nice and even final coat of dark wash from head to toe. The Vintage Collection basic figure release has wash that’s heavy in the arms and too light throughout the body. It’s very disappointing to see this lack of care given to a “Kenner 96” release. (We don’t expect to see them recreate The Star Wars Holiday Special Zutmore ever again. But we suppose anything is possible. Hasbro also didn’t match the brown color for the upper portion of the boots to their soles. You can visibly see two shades of brown. The first version didn’t have this issue. Shouldn’t Hasbro’s paint operations be better nine years later? It’s so frustrating. The rest of the figure looks alright. We believe the paint operations on the hair are better this time, but with so many other shortcuts taken on the deco, does it matter?
Without question, the reason you’ll want to pick up Zutton is for its inclusion in The Vintage Collection’s basic figure line. Hasbro did mediocre work on the figure’s card art. We're not sure what's happening in Hasbro's art department, but the graphics are suffering lately. Zutton comes with 22 points of articulation, and although some of the joints are inhibited, you can achieve a wealth of poses thanks to its articulation system. Zutton is excellently designed at its core, but it’s not free from issues that collectors find reprehensible. Why Hasbro still cannot master matching insert-molded joints to the area of the figure they’re installed is mind-boggling at best. As much as we’ve complained, we have to admit that we’re comforted seeing another “Kenner 96” added to The Vintage Collection. Many collectors are waiting for Hasbro to complete these characters so they can walk away once and for all. We’re getting closer and closer, and it’s a great thing. Zutton is excellent, aside from the deco/coloring issue. We wanted this figure single-carded when it was released in the Villain Set [Version 2] Special Action Figure Set. Now we have it. For accessories, Zutton comes with a unique blaster pistol and a “secret” hiding place on the back for storage. It’s hard to process that this release is separated by nearly a decade old from its original release. We hope Hasbro keeps up the “vintage Kenner” momentum steady and robust because they have a lot more to release yet.
Status: Zutton is a repaint of Snaggletooth from 2012's TVC Villain Set [Version 2] Special Action FIgure Set mulitpack.
Articulation Count: 22 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2) ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: blaster pistol
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: F2325/E7763
UPC: 5010993834358
Retail: $12.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
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