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Name: G2-9T
Collection: Star Wars [Saga - Phase II]
Number: N/A
Source: Star Tours
Availability: January 2003
License: Hasbro
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G2-9T was a G2 repair droid. It was once owned by a Troig diplomat on Tatooine before working for the Star Tours travel agency. Before the Battle of Yavin, G2-9T was employed by Star Tours as a droid security agent, scanning luggage for banned paraphernalia. However, G2-9T sometimes fell asleep on the job to "recharge batteries," resulting in some contraband being allowed onto the flight. We get this tidbit of information from Wookieepedia, and it goes into much greater detail of the role this droid played in the Star Wars universe. Always looking to add new and diverse droids into their theme park attraction, Disney utilized the inner workings of their animated goose prop from another attraction and developed it into a Star Wars related type of character. The final characters, stripped of all of its feathers, works incredibly well as a STAR TOURS character. Frequently called a “goose droid,” this designation is not used very often in an official capacity in favor of a more realistic backstory. As an action figure, Hasbro simply repainted 2002’s POTJ G2-4T Star Tours figure and gave it a blue color scheme. They great job of recreating the animatronic goose’s innards into a functioning droid. Part of the Collection 3 group of STAR TOURS figures (but this time in the Star Wars ‘Saga” [Phase II] line look, G2-9T is another fine addition in the line.
As you know by now, rumors of a STAR TOURS action figure line abounded for years. The attraction opened in 1987, and after the modern Kenner/Hasbro line relaunched in 1995, the rumors began circulating almost immediately. Interestingly, collectors had to wait until 2002 before Hasbro brought forth the first figures in Power Of The Jedi’s Collection 1 and Collection 2 to the collecting community, but they only offered these figures at Disneyland and availability was an issue for many collectors. Thanks to the aftermarket and other online sources, the figures in the STAR TOURS line became more widely available. Now transitioned to the Star Wars [Saga - Phase I] line look, the STAR TOURS Collection 3 figures feel like a natural progression in the line, but also offer some of the nicest figures in the Star Tours lines to date. The new blue line look helps the figures look better than they are. It’s a testament to what presentation can do for an action figure. But some of them are indeed beautiful action figures. While G2-9T is contained in packaging that places itself on a certain point in Star Wars collecting timeline, we hope the figure will hold up well throughout the years. G2-9T has a strong Star Wars “feel” to it, and you can’t tell, aside from the feet, that it’s the metal skeleton of a common barnyard animal. It was clever of Disney to think to use this and do something that is outside of the box.
Just like G2-4T, G2-9T comes with its name emblazoned on its head. A mostly silver/metallic droid, G2-9T has some blue where G2-4T has red. This is present throughout its frame, and these accents give the action figure depth and dimension. The paint operations on G2-9T are simple but done well, and they help to make the figure look like a miniature version of the theme park prop. G2-9T comes with five points of articulation. A swivel head joins two swivel shoulders and two hinge-jointed hips. The hips function better on G2-9T than they did for G2-4T. If you recall on G2-4T, the legs only want to stay in one position, and if you try to extend them in a different position, the figure wants to snap them back into place. G2-9T can still attain some interesting positions. Retailing for $10, the MSRP is high for these exclusive figures, but due to their exclusivity, they probably can command it without too many complaints. With a line full of unique astromech droids, other characters in this line may grab your interest more. But the line as a whole shines beautifully, and we think STAR TOURS offers collectors something the mainstream Hasbro line won’t ever be able to offer. Even if you’re not a fan of the STAR TOURS line, you can’t discount how each release is completely different than the last. That says a lot, and we’re thankful that Hasbro spends the tooling budget on giving us all-new characters for an exclusive line of action figures.
Status: G2-9T is a rework of 2002's POTJ G2-4T Star Tours figure.
Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left arm (1), swivel right arm (1), hinge-jointed left hip (1), hinge-jointed right hip (1)
Accessory Count: None
Accessory Details: None
Date Stamp: 2002
Collection: 1
Assortment Number: 10148
UPC: 076930101483
Retail: $9.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
Star Wars [Saga - Phase II] STAR TOURS Collection 3 |
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