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Mini Busts

Zuckuss - Mini Busts

Name: Zuckuss
Type: Mini Busts
Number: Item No. 9057
Edition Size: 5000
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: April 2007
License: Gentle Giant Ltd.

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The insectoid bounty hunter Zuckuss was one of the initial deadly trackers that Darth Vader assigned to capture Han Solo. Zuckuss is a findsman and applies ancient methods and tactics learned on his home planet of Gand. His nebulous instinctive style and keen intuition enable Zuckuss to track prey with great advantage.

Gentle Giant Ltd. has always managed to nail the likenesses of alien characters. Their human likenesses have been hit or miss for the most part, but once in a while they can really nail them down pretty well too. But when it comes to the hive of scum and villainy of the aliens, Gentle Giant Ltd. just seems to come a little closer each time they bring a new one into their Mini Bust line. Zuckuss, who is always a "tail-end Charlie" in the Hasbro line, wasn’t the last bounty hunter from The Empire Strikes Back to be made in the Mini Bust line. But Star Wars collectors of all types should pay keen interest to the detail incorporated in the Zuckuss Mini Bust because it’s literally one of the most accurate interpretations of him ever reached in any format. There is an extravagant amount of detailed etched into this Mini Bust and we’re going to go through it in detail for you.

For instance, we knew Zuckuss had a rather bumpy head, but the Mini Bust brings to light shapes and curvatures in his cranium that we just didn’t know existed previously. These crevices have been highlighted with a wash to darken them and give the illusion of shadowing and depth. His bug-like silver insectoid eyes are eerie as you can’t gauge his thoughts or expression from these hollow eyes, even when he’s looking directly at you! His “nose” is reminiscent of the end of a classic telephone and his “mouth” which looks to be more like a vocoder than anything else is petite in comparison. The details of these parts have been given an aged and worn look and even though they’re crafted from the same polystone as the rest of the figure, the paint jobs that they received make them look like they’re manufactured from different materials.

Zuckuss’ outfit is also excellent done too. His wide sleeved overcoat is dark brown and it’s been texturized to make it appear in nearly the exact same way in did in Episode V. Then his gloves are light tan and starkly contrast against his primarily dark colored outfit. He was only in a very short scene in The Empire Strikes Back, but that didn’t stop Gentle Giant Ltd. from ensuring that they created as perfect Zuckuss specimen as possible. His decorative plated chest armor that runs down his front is beautifully sculpt. You can clearly see how the layers connect and unbeknownst to us they are copper colored and look very ornate on such a shady bounty hunter. He is brandishing his signature blaster rifle and quite honestly the whole piece looks just like it was ripped right out of the film. We are thoroughly impressed with the Zuckuss Mini Bust. Limited to 5000 pieces, you should have more than ample opportunity to find one and pick it up for your collection too.

Collector Notes


Status: This highly detailed mini bust, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.

Exclusivity: N/A

Assembly: N/A

Date Stamp: 2007

UPC: 871810001422

Retail: $49.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Gentle Giant Ltd.
All Mini Busts

Added: December 28, 2012
Category: Mini Busts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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