During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi ascended to the ranks of Jedi Master, and he and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, were dispatched on many missions during the terrible conflict. The long and tumultuous career of the legendary Jedi Knight has helped shape the fate of an entire galaxy.
When Hasbro announced to Star Wars collectors in 2008 that The Clone Wars basic figure line would be approached in animated style, the collecting world groaned. From the beginning, Hasbro has stated that The Clone Wars property was to be geared for kids, but with a twist. In an effort not to alienate adult collectors, Hasbro expressed that the action figures would actually be a mix of animated and realistic, although to the more mature collecting community they came across as animated. To be fair, Hasbro indeed tried to mix the polar opposites looks of the characters. And while more often that not the animated style seemed to be the dominate genes in this particular mix, the awesome articulation and mostly action feature free basic figures seemed to subtly be geared to us anyway. But if you compare the characters of The Clone Wars in stills from the movie and television series, you’ll find that there are some relatively drastic differences.
That is why collectibles like The Clone Wars Maquettes line is so important for the collecting community. Gentle Giant Ltd. remained faithful to the exact look of the characters and they’ve been faithfully and permanently immortalized in a very artistic and even more accurate collectibles line. This high-end format which has an average MSP around $80 (expect that to increase over time like everything else does) is done extraordinarily well that you’ll be hard pressed to find fault with the sculpting, poses and astounding paint jobs they consistently deliver. Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars) is another outstanding Maquette that brings a dynamic sculpt with a gorgeous paint job. His expression is especially excellent. There is determination and unwavering fortitude in his expression. Obi-Wan Kenobi means business and there is no second guessing that you need to get out of the way of his lightsaber swing.
If you compare 2008’s TCW Obi-Wan Kenobi (No. 2) action figure next to this Maquette, you’ll find many differences in the look of the characters, and we’re not talking about the scale differences. Something got lost in translation with the Hasbro action figure and it’s slightly disappointing when you see how accuracy like this can be attained in other collectible formats. Gentle Giant Ltd. still seems committed to adding characters to the Maquettes line with relative consistency. We’re thrilled that they haven’t retired the line and seem to be committed to it and bring new and exciting characters from The Clone Wars into this format. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a great example of one of their finest efforts in this line and it makes us want to see them continue to bring them forth to collectors of this format. Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars) Maquette is excellence cast in polystone. It is a must for any fan of The Clone Wars.
Collector Notes
Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars)
Status: This highly-detailed maquette, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.
Exclusivity: N/A
Assembly: N/A
Date Stamp: 2009
UPC: 871810006892
Retail: $79.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.