SW (77-07) Exclusive Collector Coins (30th Anniversary Collection) - JediTempleArchives.com


Star Wars 30 (77-07) Exclusive Collector Coins

A galaxy of collector coins to celebrate the power of the Force.


In 1985, Kenner introduced a new concept into the 3¾" figure packaging - the collector coin. These "Power of the Force" coins were an instant hit and are highly sought after today.

Now seasoned collectors and recent arrivals to the galaxy can experience the excitement of a new series of Star Wars collector coins. Depicting characters and scenes from the entire six-film epic as well as the Expanded Universe, these coins have been re-created in the original size – but with some fresh new twists. This special album has slots to display all 60 3¾" figure coins. You will also find extra spaces for duplicates or promotional coins that may be produced over the course of the year. Enjoy the hunt for these truly special coins!

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